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How to Write Flash Fiction w/ Nathan Alling Long

Register by EOD June 24

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Variations of flash fiction have been around for centuries, from the short fable and parable to the smoke-long story—a story that can be shared in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette.  The form rose to popularity in the 90’s, and now appears in hundreds of publications, many dedicated solely to stories under 1000 words—or fewer.

In this workshop, we’ll discuss a distinct styles often found in flash and outline various elements and techniques you can use to help you write your own flash.  You'll have time to write a brief flash and after we will end by discussing places you might publish your work.

Nathan Alling Long’s work appears in over 100 publications, including Salt Hill, Indiana Review, Wigleaf, Vestal, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Fiction 101, Fifty Word Stories, and Best of Micro-fiction 2020.  His collection of fifty short fictions, The Origin of Doubt, was a 2019 Lambda finalist; his second manuscript was a finalist for the Hudson Book Manuscript Prize and the Iowa Fiction Award.   The recipient of a Truman Capote Fellowship, a Mellon Foundation grant, Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers Conference scholarships, and three Pushcart nominations, Nathan lives in Philadelphia and teaches at Stockton University.



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