Upcoming events

Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Note: This week’s session will start and end earlier than usual due to a 6:00 pm ET class with Jennifer Wilson.

Drop-in, creative co-working with peers over Zoom.

Stop by for a few minutes or stay for the whole session — it’s totally up to you. You can use this time to write, edit, read, daydream, or whatever best serves your literary life.

We will open and close the session with 10 minutes to check-in about our writing goals, obstacles, and accomplishments. Mics will stay off during the silent working portion of the event (3:40-5:20 pm ET). Please note that we will not workshop or read our work aloud to the group.

This event is free and open to all.

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Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Note: This week’s session will start and end earlier than usual due to a 6:00 pm ET class with Madeline Miller.

Drop-in, creative co-working with peers over Zoom.

Stop by for a few minutes or stay for the whole session — it’s totally up to you. You can use this time to write, edit, read, daydream, or whatever best serves your literary life.

We will open and close the session with 10 minutes to check-in about our writing goals, obstacles, and accomplishments. Mics will stay off during the silent working portion of the event (3:40-5:20 pm ET). Please note that we will not workshop or read our work aloud to the group.

This event is free and open to all.

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Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Drop-in, creative co-working with peers over Zoom.

Stop by for a few minutes or stay for the whole session — it’s totally up to you. You can use this time to write, edit, read, daydream, or whatever best serves your literary life.

We will open and close the session with 10 minutes to check-in about our writing goals, obstacles, and accomplishments. Mics will stay off during the silent working portion of the event (4:10-5:50 pm ET). Please note that we will not workshop or read our work aloud to the group.

This event is free and open to all.

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Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Drop-in, creative co-working with peers over Zoom.

Stop by for a few minutes or stay for the whole session — it’s totally up to you. You can use this time to write, edit, read, daydream, or whatever best serves your literary life.

We will open and close the session with 10 minutes to check-in about our writing goals, obstacles, and accomplishments. Mics will stay off during the silent working portion of the event (4:10-5:50 pm ET). Please note that we will not workshop or read our work aloud to the group.

This event is free and open to all.

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Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Drop-in, creative co-working with peers over Zoom.

Stop by for a few minutes or stay for the whole session — it’s totally up to you. You can use this time to write, edit, read, daydream, or whatever best serves your literary life.

We will open and close the session with 10 minutes to check-in about our writing goals, obstacles, and accomplishments. Mics will stay off during the silent working portion of the event (4:10-5:50 pm ET). Please note that we will not workshop or read our work aloud to the group.

This event is free and open to all.

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Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Thursdays on the Stoop — Creative co-working

Drop-in, creative co-working with peers over Zoom.

Stop by for a few minutes or stay for the whole session — it’s totally up to you. You can use this time to write, edit, read, daydream, or whatever best serves your literary life.

We will open and close the session with 10 minutes to check-in about our writing goals, obstacles, and accomplishments. Mics will stay off during the silent working portion of the event (4:10-5:50 pm). Please note that we will not workshop or read our work aloud to the group.

This event is free and open to all.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Writing About Challenging Topics w/ Autumn Konopka

Thursdays on the Stoop—Writing About Challenging Topics w/ Autumn Konopka

Many of us use writing as a way to process difficult experiences and even past traumas. Such writing can be good not only for the writer, but the reader as well, allowing audiences who are struggling or have struggled with traumatic experiences to feel understood and validated. However, this kind of work can be difficult for us and for our potential readers. Not every approach need be purely “confessional,” nor should writers be expected to obscure difficult moments with metaphor or ambiguity in order to spare audiences from the sharp edges.

In this session we’ll discuss approaches to writing about challenging topics with candor and sensitivity so that readers feel seen, not sensationalized. We will cover strategies and techniques for writing hard things while taking a trauma-informed approach to creative writing.

Autumn Konopka is a writer, runner, and trauma-informed teaching artist. She was the 2016 Poet Laureate of Montgomery County, PA. Her poetry chapbook, a chain of paper dolls, was published in 2014 by the Head & the Hand Press (Philadelphia), and her work has been published widely in literary journals. Autumn holds degrees in Creative Writing from the University of Pittsburgh and Antioch University, and she teaches writing courses at Chestnut Hill College. Her first novel, Pheidippides Didn’t Die, was published in August 2023.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Poetry as Resistance: Examining Revolutionary Ideas in Poetics and Prose w/ Saskia Kercy

Thursdays on the Stoop—Poetry as Resistance: Examining Revolutionary Ideas in Poetics and Prose w/ Saskia Kercy

“Poetry as resistance” is a workshop that examines poems of protest, justice, power, and liberation by revolutionary Black women. Such works include that of Audre Lorde, Patricia Smith, Gwendolyn Brooks, aja monet, Yolanda Wisher, Ursula Rucker, Sonia Sanchez, and countless others. This Thursday we honor June Jordan, with a focus on her poems “I Must Become a Menace to My Enemies” and “Poem About My Rights.” The workshop includes an analysis of her work and life, political discourse and guided writing prompts, and an invitation to share individual work that reflects those themes of resistance. With a commitment to upholding Black radical tradition, this space is inherently revolutionary.

Saskia Kercy is a multidisciplinary scholar and poet from Philadelphia by way of Haiti. She has two bachelors in economics and global studies from Temple University and a masters in economics from Howard University. Saskia currently serves as a research consultant, educator, organizer, spoken word performer, and eldest daughter in her community. Her work has been published in The Amistad, for which she received the 2022 May Miller Creative Writing Award, The Washington Informer, and The Root, among others. She recently concluded a poetry residency as an Anaphora Literary Arts Fellow and is the curator of the elusive Sunset Saloon. In her free time, Saskia is a blossoming artist, yogi, and marathoner. She is @saskiakercy everywhere.

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The Bricks Reading Series Part 12

The Bricks Reading Series Part 12

Join us for the Bricks Reading event at H&H Books on Tuesday, May 21 @ 7PM. The readers for this event are Saretta Morgan, Hilary Plum, and Tyriek White.

Can’t make it to the in-person event? Join us virtually for the live stream on our Youtube channel here!

This event is sponsored by Blue Stoop! Light refreshments will be provided.

The Bricks is a reading series dedicated to building transcultural conversations on literature & aesthetics.

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Writing in Place Project - Publishing Workshop w/ Hilary Plum and Joseph Earl Thomas

Writing in Place Project - Publishing Workshop w/ Hilary Plum and Joseph Earl Thomas

Join us for a workshop on publishing at Head & the Hand with Hilary Plum and Joseph Earl Thomas, designed primarily to inform newer writers of the publishing landscape, how they might get involved, and the social relations of difference--class, sex, race, etc.--governing expectation and possibility in this field.

This workshop is free and open to all, but primarily serves the mission of the Spring Writing in Place Projects and its participants. The discourse will be built in large part from Hilary's writings, which can be read here:

Reading in the Conglomerate Era: Or, Do Small Presses Even Exist? and Small Press Economies: A Dialogue .

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Why, How, and Where to Write About Craft and the Writing Life w/ Andrea A. Firth

Thursdays on the Stoop—Why, How, and Where to Write About Craft and the Writing Life w/ Andrea A. Firth

I read essays about writing craft and the writing life almost every day. I get good tips, ideas, and motivation. It makes me feel like in a room filled with my people, other writers. You can join that conversation too. Share what you know, get clips, and gain readership. I'll share thoughts on why and how to write these essays, plus where you can get published. We'll look at a couple examples and together brainstorm essay topic ideas that will work for you.

Andrea A. Firth is a writer, editor and educator living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is an Editor at Brevity Blog, which publishes essays on CNF craft and the writing life every week day in the year. She is cofounder of Diablo Writers’ Workshop where she teaches creative writing and provides developmental editing. She’s had the pleasure and privilege of teaching for Blue Stoop more than once. Andrea has an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Saint Mary’s College of California. She was a finalist for The Missouri Review's 2021 Perkoff Prize in nonfiction, and her work has appeared in Dorothy Parker’s Ashes, Allium, The Coachella Review among others. Learn more about her and read her recent work at www.andreaafirth.com.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Writing the Wounded Character: How Feelings, Emotions, and Fear Function in Plot w/ Emily Jon Tobias

Thursdays on the Stoop—Writing the Wounded Character: How Feelings, Emotions, and Fear Function in Plot w/ Emily Jon Tobias

If structure is a vehicle and plot is the road ahead, our characters belong in the driver's seat, but where does the writer fit in? In this course, I will offer control of the wheel from the writer's seat when dealing with wounded characters. We will define and discuss character roles such as protagonist, antagonist, and catalyst to determine how these roles function within narrative structure. Together, we will unwind the psychology of our characters to understand emotional wounding, how feelings and fears work in relationship to central conflict, and how these states affect characters' decisions. Attendees will leave the workshop knowing their characters more intimately through an understanding of the roles they play with a firmer grasp on how our characters drive plot and build the scaffolding of structure. In this, writers will deepen bonds with their most mysterious characters by better understanding the psychology that motivates them.

Emily Jon Tobias is an American author and poet with her debut story collection, MONARCH, forthcoming by Black Lawrence Press in May, 2024. She is an award-winning writer whose work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, along with other honorable mentions, and has been featured in various literary journals and magazines. Midwestern-raised, she now lives and writes on the coast of Southern California where she is at work on her debut novel and other projects. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Writing from Pacific University Oregon.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: a Revision Workshop w/ Alison Lubar

Thursdays on the Stoop—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: a Revision Workshop w/ Alison Lubar

Your writing isn’t trash, but you might be sitting on a lot of compost. How can we use our own drafts that haven’t seemed to work out yet, to create something new? Let’s turn it into treasure! While this workshop will be poetry-focused, the methods can apply to other modes of writing and even other creative forms.

Alison Lubar teaches high school English by day and yoga by night. They are a queer, nonbinary, mixed-race femme whose life work (aside from wordsmithing) has evolved into bringing mindfulness practices, and sometimes even poetry, to young people. Their work has been nominated for both the Pushcart & Best of the Net, and they’re the author four chapbooks: Philosophers Know Nothing About Love (Thirty West Publishing House, 2022), queer feast (Bottlecap Press, 2022), sweet euphemism (CLASH!, 2023), and It Skips a Generation (Stanchion, 2023). You can find out more at http://www.alisonlubar.com/ or on Twitter @theoriginalison.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Trains of Thought w/ Jackie Torres

Thursdays on the Stoop—Trains of Thought w/ Jackie Torres

Trains of Thought is a journaling space for writers of all kinds to explore new possibilities for personal expression. Using performance methods and the integration of audio journaling, Trains of Thought will encourage writers to reclaim the practice for themselves, reframe writing as a full circle sensory experience, and begin to take the first steps to overriding the trap of compulsory self-editing.

Jackie Torres is an educator, poet, and theater practitioner whose work focuses on art as a tool for organizing and education, a method of cultural preservation, and a ritual of healing. Their work is always dedicated to those in their respective communities: Black people, QTGNC people, disabled people, Caribbean people, and the visions for the future they conjure and conspire to make material.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Layering Emotions w/ Damien Pine

Thursdays on the Stoop—Layering Emotions w/ Damien Pine

People rarely feel only one emotion at a time. How do you show a complex emotional landscape without chucking your character’s emotions in a blender and dumping the resulting feelings-soup in your readers’ laps? This workshop will experiment with strategies to layer multiple emotions in your writing. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss a few examples, try a couple exercises, and share techniques with each other.

Damien Pine (he/him) is many things: writer, artist, businessman, graphic designer, former aerospace engineer, cat lover, concerned, optimistic, and he never has enough time for some reason. He’s currently working on a novel which he hopes to finish in the vague, noncommittal timeframe of “soon”.

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The Bricks Reading Series Part 11

The Bricks Reading Series Part 11

Join us for the Bricks Reading event at H&H Books on Tuesday, April 16 @ 7PM. The readers for this event are Denise Laidler, Mia Kang, and Monique Laban.

Can’t make it to the in-person event? Join us virtually for the live stream on our Youtube channel here!

This event is sponsored by Blue Stoop! Light refreshments will be provided.

The Bricks is a reading series dedicated to building transcultural conversations on literature & aesthetics.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—TAIDMU: Text And Image Don’t Match Up w/ Cathy Mayer

Thursdays on the Stoop—TAIDMU: Text And Image Don’t Match Up w/ Cathy Mayer

In this workshop we will play with matching—and mismatching—text and image. There are many reasons comics artists create a disparity between the two: for comedic effect, to imbue a scene with feeling, to muddle time and place. We will look at effective examples of this in contemporary comics and create a mismatched comic of our own.

Cathy is a cartoonist and educator. Her comics have been published in the Rumpus and the Florida Review. Her graphic novella, The Last Time I Saw Deborah, is out with Go Press Girl. She co-runs The Gutter, a newsletter for comics creators to share and submit work.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Stoop Shake w/ Mary Zhou

Thursdays on the Stoop—Stoop Shake w/ Mary Zhou

Join us for a fun, experimental, and generative session! Bring existing work to add to, or create a brand new piece. We'll brainstorm keywords at the top of the session which will be thrown in, along with other surprises, as prompts during our free write to drive, complicate, and shake up your writing. All genres and levels of experience encouraged.

Mary Zhou (they/she) is an artist based in Philadelphia. They explore devotion, identity, and the body through writing, dance, and visual art. They are an alumnus of the VONA/Voices residency in poetry. Their work is shared in The Rumpus, Oversound, ANMLY, and more. You can find their work at marzhou.com

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Thursdays on the Stoop—ACT IT OUT! Performance for Poets w/ Kristina Mueller and Amy Beth Sisson

Thursdays on the Stoop—ACT IT OUT! Performance for Poets w/ Kristina Mueller and Amy Beth Sisson

Join actor Kristina Mueller and poet Amy Beth Sisson in this master class setting. Observe as Kristina works with Amy Beth to lift one of her written works off the page and into the world of living, breathing performance. The aim is to help writers analyze and rehearse their work, as well as experience their poems with fresh eyes and ears. Performing a poem mindfully helps play on its strengths (image, music, repetition, contradiction, emphasis.)

Kristina Mueller is an actor and writer, originally from Munich, Germany, and currently based in Los Angeles. She studied theatre at NYU/Tisch (BFA) and at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. She has performed opposite Wallace Shawn at The Public Theatre in NYC, at the New York and Hollywood Fringe festivals, as well as off-Broadway, and at various theatres in LA. She loves to bake & hang out with her goofy dog, Gigi.

Amy Beth Sisson lives near the skunk cabbages in a town outside of Philly. Her poetry has appeared or is upcoming in One Art, The Night Heron Barks, The Shoutflower, Hot Pink Magazine and others. She received her MFA in poetry in 2023 from Rutgers Camden, is an Associate Artist for the Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice, and an Editorial and Special Projects Assistant for Fence.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—How To Be A (Good) Writer w/ C.M. Crockford

Thursdays on the Stoop—How To Be A (Good) Writer w/ C.M. Crockford

English classes aim at teaching students how to be better wordsmiths, to hone our individual voices. But how do you compose stronger prose if you don't know what a sloppy, inconsistent sentence looks like? This playful, hilarious class, taught by a professional line editor, uses excerpts from real fantasy romances and bestsellers to demonstrate the nuts and bolts of what makes good, solid writing stand out from the bad.

C.M. Crockford is a poet, writer, and editor based in Philadelphia but he's originally from New England. He's published many poems, stories, and essays, sung in a few bands, edited over a dozen books, and co-hosted The Barn: A Podcast About The Shield. In 2022 "Spam Love Poem" was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry collection, Birdsongs: Poems 2020-2023, is forthcoming from Alien Buddha Press.

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The Bricks Reading Series Part 10 (HYBRID)

The Bricks Reading Series Part 10 (HYBRID)

Join us for the TENTH Bricks Reading event at H&H Books on Tuesday, March 19 @ 7PM. The readers for this event are Phillip B. Williams, Moa Short, and Athena Dixon

This event is sponsored by Blue Stoop! Light refreshments will be provided.

Can’t make it in person? Watch the livestream on YouTube here.

The Bricks is a reading series dedicated to building transcultural conversations on literature & aesthetics.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Containing Multitudes: Creating & Corralling a Large Cast of Characters w/ Holly M. Wendt

Thursdays on the Stoop—Containing Multitudes: Creating & Corralling a Large Cast of Characters w/ Holly M. Wendt

When working on a project that contains a large cast of characters, whether in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, writers benefit from practices and mechanisms that help them generate and organize said characters in a way that supports, rather than constrains, the creative process. In this practical, generative workshop, we’ll explore several mechanisms for creating and developing memorable characters—from D&D character sheets to case studies from contemporary novels and poetry collections—and then we’ll use provided shells to kickstart the process of character-building in a way that allows us to keep track of those characters in a writer-friendly and efficient way. We’ll conclude with time for experiential sharing, Q&A, and trouble-shooting.

Participants may have a project in mind/project in progress to work on during the workshop, but that is not required. Participants will receive digital copies of the provided generative and organizational shells that they can modify for their own use.

Holly M. Wendt is the author of Heading North (Braddock Avenue Books, 2023) and Associate Professor of English & Creative Writing and Director of Creative Writing at Lebanon Valley College. A former Peter Taylor Fellow for the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop, Holly is a recipient of the Robert and Charlotte Baron Fellowship for Creative and Performing Artists from the American Antiquarian Society and fellowships from the Jentel Foundation and Hambidge Center. Their writing has appeared in Shenandoah, Four Way Review, Barrelhouse, Memorious, and elsewhere.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Revising Poetry w/ Caroline Simpson

Thursdays on the Stoop—Revising Poetry w/ Caroline Simpson

This virtual Thursday on the Stoop will be all about revision techniques for poetry. According to Robert Graves, “There’s no such thing as great writing, only great rewriting.” We will read and discuss example drafts of published poems, examining how each subsequent draft brought the poem closer to a place where it pleases linguistically, intrigues intellectually, and moves emotively. You’ll learn a number of revision techniques developed by published poets, and you’ll have a chance to try some of these techniques on a poem you bring to class. Open to all level writers.

Caroline N. Simpson’s chapbook, Choose Your Own Adventures and Other Poems, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2018. In 2020, Delaware Division of Arts awarded Caroline an Established Artist Fellowship in Poetry, and she has been nominated several times for a Pushcart Prize in both poetry and nonfiction. carolinensimpson.com

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Submitting to Lit Mags: Finding the Right Fit w/ Andrea A. Firth

Thursdays on the Stoop—Submitting to Lit Mags: Finding the Right Fit w/ Andrea A. Firth

I often teach a comprehensive course on How to Get Published in Lit Mags. For Thursday on the Stoop, I’ll focus on one aspect—how to find a good fit for your work. That takes knowing how to read and evaluate a journal and understanding the submission guidelines. I’ll keep the focus tight, given the time. But then we’ll have lots of time in the second half to address their questions about submitting. And that will allow us to touch on other parts of the process that tend to confuse.

Andrea A. Firth is a writer, editor and educator living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is an Editor at Brevity Blog, which publishes essays on CNF craft and the writing life every week day in the year. She is cofounder of Diablo Writers’ Workshop where she teaches creative writing and provides developmental editing. She’s had the pleasure and privilege of teaching for Blue Stoop more than once. Andrea has an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Saint Mary’s College of California. She was a finalist for The Missouri Review's 2021 Perkoff Prize in nonfiction, and her work has appeared in Dorothy Parker’s Ashes, Allium, The Coachella Review among others. Learn more about her and read her recent work at www.andreaafirth.com.

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The Bricks Reading Series Part 9

The Bricks Reading Series Part 9

Join us for the second Bricks Reading event of 2024 at H&H Books on Tuesday, February 6 @ 7PM. The readers for this event are Carina del Valle Schorske, Jubi Arriola-Headley, and Annie Liontas

This event is sponsored by Blue Stoop! Light refreshments will be provided.

The Bricks is a reading series dedicated to building transcultural conversations on literature & aesthetics.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Mini Sit & Write w/ Julian Shendelman

Thursdays on the Stoop—Mini Sit & Write w/ Julian Shendelman

A generative 1-hour co-working session. This TOTS event will give you a sample of what to expect from the full 2.5 hour version of Sit & Write (S&W). S&W is a free online writing group that meets for 2.5 hours on Saturday afternoons (collectivelit.com). Meetings are always free, supportive, and do not require any commitment. While full-length meetings have a drop-in format, please plan to arrive on time and stay for the duration of this Blue Stoop mini S&W. Agenda: Brief intro (5 min), check-in (5 min), silent working (45-ish min), check-out (5 min).

Julian Shendelman lives with his husband and dogs near Philadelphia. After pursuing—and ultimately abandoning—an academic career as a queer/trans theorist, Julian turned his attention to re-establishing his writing practice and community. His poetry chapbook, “Dead Dad Club,” was published by Nomadic Press in 2017, his creative nonfiction has appeared in Philadelphia Stories, and his fiction is forthcoming in Cleaver Magazine (March 2024). When he's not freelancing, he's running Collective Lit.

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The Bricks Reading Series Part 8

The Bricks Reading Series Part 8

Join us for the first Bricks Reading event of 2024 at H&H Books on Tuesday, January 16 @ 7PM. The readers for this event are Maggie Millner, Nuha Fariha, and Denise Laidler.

This event is sponsored by Blue Stoop! Light refreshments will be provided.

The Bricks is a reading series dedicated to building transcultural conversations on literature & aesthetics.

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Thursdays on the Stoop—Talking to Yourself: Translating Your Subconscious w/ Chukwuma Ndulue
to Jan 25

Thursdays on the Stoop—Talking to Yourself: Translating Your Subconscious w/ Chukwuma Ndulue

In this 3 part workshop (Thursdays from 4-5 PM EST: January 11, January 18, and January 25) we will learn how to translate our unformed and idiosyncratic thoughts first to ourselves and then the world. We'll learn how to identify our obsessions, how to write to remember and to forget, and how to confidently write about self-doubt. This workshop is for daydreamers, over thinkers, and anyone that wants to see the world in all its glorious gradients of gray. While this is primarily a poetry workshop, we will learn generative techniques that incorporate nonfiction and playwriting.

Chukwuma Ndulue is author of the chapbook Boys Quarter (Ugly Duckling Presse). He has been the recipient of fellowships from Columbia University and Kenyon College. He is co-founder of the Aftermath Arts Cooperative.

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Thursdays on the Stoop--Mini "Sit & Write" w/ Julian Shendelman

Thursdays on the Stoop--Mini "Sit & Write" w/ Julian Shendelman

A generative 1-hour co-working session. This TOTS event will give you a sample of what to expect from the full 2.5 hour version of Sit & Write (S&W). S&W is a free online writing group that meets for 2.5 hours on Saturday afternoons (collectivelit.com). Meetings are always free, supportive, and do not require any commitment. While full-length meetings have a drop-in format, please plan to arrive on time and stay for the duration of this Blue Stoop mini S&W. Agenda: Brief intro (5 min), check-in (5 min), silent working (45-ish min), check-out (5 min).

Julian Shendelman is a trans man living near Philadelphia with his husband and dogs. After studying creative writing at the Orange County High School of the Arts, Julian pursued—and ultimately abandoned—an academic career as a queer theorist. Since then, Julian has turned his attention to reconnecting with his writing practice and community. His poetry chapbook, “Dead Dad Club,” was published by Nomadic Press in 2017 and his writing has appeared in Bat City Review. When he's not at his day job, he's attending his weekly writing group and learning to make up stories.

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Thursdays on the Stoop--Writing about Everyday Moments w/ Kabria Rogers

Thursdays on the Stoop--Writing about Everyday Moments w/ Kabria Rogers

People live by routine. We all have a thing. Whether it be the first cup of coffee in the morning, the time it takes for tea to seep, freewriting first thing in the morning, or listening to calming music at night. We all have a series of things that make the day feel a little bit better. This Thursday on the Stoop is going to write out a routine not for the sake of writing a list but for the thoughts that live beneath the routine. The creative murmurs that are happening when going about on day. Bring a writing instrument and your go to routine.

Kabria Rogers is a writer and Philadelphia native. She has led a diverse career path from corporate to philanthropy. She has been published in two anthologies, I Am Strength and Ways of Walking. Kabria has written a variety of things both creatively and professionally. She is a creative wanderer, pulling together the random threads of her life through creative practice, curiosity, and community building. Check out her random ramblings about sexual health, and the oddly poetic moments of everyday life on her instagram. Kabria holds a B.A in English Writing from King's College and lives in West Philadelphia with her wife and two spoiled senior citizen cats.

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Thursdays on the Stoop--Autumn Expression w/ Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer

Thursdays on the Stoop--Autumn Expression w/ Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer

The season of autumn has inspired writers for centuries. The changing palette of the leaves, the move into longer nights, the shift into cooler temperatures evoke many emotions. In this workshop, we'll explore themes of harvest, loss and transformation through writing prompts and poetry. Whether you write fiction, non-fiction, poetry or another form, this session will invite reflection and curiosity.

Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer is an author and educator who teaches expressive writing workshops focused on the intersection of creativity and spiritual growth. She is in training to become a Jungian-focused spiritual director with the Haden Institute. She's currently drafting a memoir about life-changing dreams and tapping into ancestor wisdom.

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