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REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Beyond the Page w/ Dimitri Reyes

Friday, April 4th is the last day to register for Beyond the Page: Performance Skills for Poets, a 3 week class with Dimitri Reyes. Details below:

Beyond the Page: Performance Skills for Poets | 3 weeks

Saturdays, April 12 – 26, 2025 | 12:00 – 2:00 PM (ET) | In-person

Need financial aid? Apply here first.

Let your voice be heard! In this immersive 3-week workshop, participants will learn strategies for structuring and performing impactful poems by studying the Black Arts, Nuyorican, and Breakbeat movements. Through manipulating pacing, pauses, rhyme, and rhythm, students of all experience levels and poetic genres will generate new material and gain experience performing work that is transformative for writers and audiences alike.

Class dates: April 12, April 19, April 26
Location: 1315 Walnut Street, Philadelphia

Instructor: Dimitri Reyes is a Boricua multidisciplinary artist, content creator, and educator from Newark, New Jersey. He has been named one of The Best New Latinx Authors of 2023 by for his most recent book, Papi Pichón (Get Fresh Books, 2023) which was a finalist for the Omnidawn chapbook contest and the Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize. His other books include Every First and Fifteenth, the winner of the Digging Press 2020 Chapbook Award, and the poetry journal Shadow Work for Poets, now available on Amazon. Dimitri's work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net and you can find more of his writing in Poem-a-Day, Vinyl, Kweli, & Acentos. He was also an inaugural poetry fellow for the Poets & Writers Get The Word Out publishing incubator and is a 2024 fellow with the NJ Arts Professional Learning Institute. Dimitri is also the Marketing & Communications Director at CavanKerry Press. Learn more about Dimitri by visiting his website at

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