Thursdays on the Stoop is a series of free, virtual writing workshops led for and by our community members. With topics ranging from generative prompts to editing strategies, these informal workshops are sure to shake up your Thursday routine. RSVP below to get the link.
This free, hour-long session takes its inspiration from the Paolo Freire quote, "Reading the world thus precedes reading the word and wríting a new text must be seen as one means of transforming the world." Participants will read short excerpts from writers like Kao Kalia Yang and Audre Lorde, examining their use of narrative to explore power dynamics. Through discussion and generative writing prompts, we'll work to narrativize our own experiences in "reading the world."
Note: This session will not be recorded.
Sakae Kikuchi is a writer and organizer based in Philadelphia. They have over a decade of labor and community organizing experience and hold an MFA in creative writing from Rutgers Camden.