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Thursdays on the Stoop-- Submissions Tetris w/ Mary Berman

Writing a story is one thing. Playing submissions tetris – or matching your story to the array of submissions calls out there, many with clashing deadlines or themes – is quite another! In this workshop, we’ll build a spreadsheet that we can use when submitting stories to magazines and anthology calls; we’ll talk about how to weigh different submissions criteria, such as payment, response time, and prestige; and we’ll look at a variety of markets and discuss how best to prioritize submissions for your own fiction and career goals.

Mary Berman (she/her) is a Philadelphia-based writer of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Her work has been published in Fireside, PseudoPod, Shoreline of Infinity, and elsewhere, and she holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of Mississippi, where she was a Graduate Excellence Fellow. Find her online at

February 2

Thursdays on the Stoop--Revising the Bright Spots w/ Eshani Surya

February 16

Thursdays on the Stoop--The Lore of Genealogy: Reimagining Our Pasts w/ Alison Lubar