Identifying others’ voices on the page can be quick work. Oftentimes, we’re reading writers who know how to polish and publish their firmest voice. However, for those of us still taking laps through submission queues, zeroing in on our own voice can be a bit more uphill. Join us as we use interactive polls and prompts to help identify some favorite writers by their word choice and inflection, in hopes of being able to go off and self-select your voice in your own writing. This class pairs well with those untutored in workshop lingo and who are open to subjective fanfare for contemporary fiction writers.
Scott Gloden is new to Philadelphia. His stories have won awards from American Short Fiction, Glimmer Train, The Masters Review, and runner-up honors in the Chicago Tribune’s Nelson Algren Awards; other stories appear in StoryQuarterly and Southern Humanities Review. He holds a Master’s in Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon, and works as an analyst for homeless and housing initiatives. Occasional updates at