Show and Tell: Balancing Scene and Story in Creative Nonfiction | 3 weeks


Starts 10/30 | Wednesdays, 7–9 pm ET | Zoom

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Sonia Huber writes, "a writer of nonfiction discovers their own authority by telling." While some have come to expect more showing than telling, the richest nonfiction involves direct communication about the speaker’s feelings and ideas. In this generative 3-week class, students will learn to write essays that balance both of these essential components: scenework (action, setting, dialogue) and telling (commentary, opinion, context). In this beginner-friendly class, students will read and analyze a variety of essays, write with prompts, connect with peers, and receive personalized feedback from the instructor.

Class dates: 10/30, 11/6, 11/13

Instructor: Krys Malcolm Belc is the author of The Natural Mother of the Child: A Memoir of Nonbinary Parenthood (Counterpoint) and the flash nonfiction chapbook In Transit (The Cupboard Pamphlet). Krys's essays have been featured in Granta, Electric Literature, The Rumpus, Harper's Bazaar, and elsewhere. He is the memoir editor of Split Lip Magazine. Krys is the current Edelstein-Keller Writer-in-Residence at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, where he teaches classes for undergraduates and MFA students. Though he lives in Saint Paul, his heart remains in Kensington, Philadelphia.

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Starts 10/30 | Wednesdays, 7–9 pm ET | Zoom

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Sonia Huber writes, "a writer of nonfiction discovers their own authority by telling." While some have come to expect more showing than telling, the richest nonfiction involves direct communication about the speaker’s feelings and ideas. In this generative 3-week class, students will learn to write essays that balance both of these essential components: scenework (action, setting, dialogue) and telling (commentary, opinion, context). In this beginner-friendly class, students will read and analyze a variety of essays, write with prompts, connect with peers, and receive personalized feedback from the instructor.

Class dates: 10/30, 11/6, 11/13

Instructor: Krys Malcolm Belc is the author of The Natural Mother of the Child: A Memoir of Nonbinary Parenthood (Counterpoint) and the flash nonfiction chapbook In Transit (The Cupboard Pamphlet). Krys's essays have been featured in Granta, Electric Literature, The Rumpus, Harper's Bazaar, and elsewhere. He is the memoir editor of Split Lip Magazine. Krys is the current Edelstein-Keller Writer-in-Residence at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, where he teaches classes for undergraduates and MFA students. Though he lives in Saint Paul, his heart remains in Kensington, Philadelphia.

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Starts 10/30 | Wednesdays, 7–9 pm ET | Zoom

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Sonia Huber writes, "a writer of nonfiction discovers their own authority by telling." While some have come to expect more showing than telling, the richest nonfiction involves direct communication about the speaker’s feelings and ideas. In this generative 3-week class, students will learn to write essays that balance both of these essential components: scenework (action, setting, dialogue) and telling (commentary, opinion, context). In this beginner-friendly class, students will read and analyze a variety of essays, write with prompts, connect with peers, and receive personalized feedback from the instructor.

Class dates: 10/30, 11/6, 11/13

Instructor: Krys Malcolm Belc is the author of The Natural Mother of the Child: A Memoir of Nonbinary Parenthood (Counterpoint) and the flash nonfiction chapbook In Transit (The Cupboard Pamphlet). Krys's essays have been featured in Granta, Electric Literature, The Rumpus, Harper's Bazaar, and elsewhere. He is the memoir editor of Split Lip Magazine. Krys is the current Edelstein-Keller Writer-in-Residence at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, where he teaches classes for undergraduates and MFA students. Though he lives in Saint Paul, his heart remains in Kensington, Philadelphia.

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